C00148 – U BOLT M12 x 130mm long used with twin leaf springs


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Product Info

C00148 – U BOLT M12 x 130mm long used with twin leaf parabolic springs (C90004).

Four per axle are used to hold the axle to the spring, used with F1056ZC flanged M12 nyloc nuts, 8 per axle of these are used. See F1056ZCPK2 it is recommended that these nuts are checked and tightened every 1000 miles or 2 months, and set to 140NM. (Socket size 18mm)

Parabolic springs have been fitted since 1994. The twin leaf springs are fitted to 3500kg gross weight trailers like, but not limited to, LM5HD & 6 series, CT series, GH1054BT, BV6 series, GX5HD & 6 series, GP series, TT105, TT126, TT3017, TT3621, TA5HD & TA510, DP120, CT177, TB series, CCT series, Eventa & BIAB series,

Additional information

Weight .225 kg
Dimensions 14 × 7.5 × 1.2 cm

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